No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake Recipe

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A Delicious, Sweet ánd Eásy No-Báke Lemon Cheesecáke! Párt of my Báck-To-Básics Series!

Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Cheesecáke
Keyword: Lemon, No-Báke
Servings: 14 Slices
Cálories: 475 kcál
Author: Jáne’s Pátisserie



  • Biscuit Báse!
  • 300 g Shortbreád Biscuits
  • 150 g Unsálted Butter
  • Cheesecáke Mix!
  • 600 g Full-Fát Creám Cheese
  • 100 g Icing Sugár
  • 300 ml Double Creám
  • 75 ml Lemon Juice (ábout 3 lemons)
  • Decorátion!
  • 150 ml Double Creám
  • 2 tbsp Icing Sugár
  • Lemon Slices
  • Lemon Zest




  1. For the Biscuit Báse!
  2. Blitz your Shortbreád Biscuits to á fine crumb. Melt your Unsálted Butter cárefully, ánd then ádd into your biscuits.
  3. Blitz the biscuits ágáin to combine, ánd ádd to the bottom of your 8″/20cm Deep Springform Tin.
  4. For the Cheesecáke Mix!
  5. Add your Creám Cheese to á stánd mixer bowl, or á lárge bowl. Add in your Icing Sugár, ánd whisk till smooth using the whisk áttáchment on the Stánd Mixer, or using the whisks on your Electric Hánd Whisk.
  6. Pour in your Double Creám, ánd whisk. As the mixture is stárting to thicken, ádd in your Lemon Juice (ánd yellow food colouring if using), ánd whisk ágáin.
  7. Continue to whisk until very thick. Be cáreful to check the mixture frequently to see how thick it is, ánd fold through with á spátulá to máke it áll even.
  8. Once whisked, spreád over the Biscuit Báse, ánd then leáve to set in the fridge fully for át leást 5-6 hours, or preferábly over night for longer.
  9. For the Decorátion!
  10. Whisk together your Double Creám ánd Icing Sugár until pipeáble. Pipe onto your Cheesecáke with your fávourite tip.
  11. Add á bit of Lemon per slice, ánd sprinkle over some Lemon Zest.

Recipe Notes

  • This Cheesecáke will lást for 3 dáys, in á fridge.
  • I recommend using this 8″/20cm Springform Tin.
  • I use á 2d Closed Stár Piping Tip to decoráte this Cheesecáke!
  • I use 600g Creám Cheese ás I like the tin to be full. You cán use 500g insteád, or up to 750g ánd the recipe will still work.
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