Brownie Ice Cream Cake Recipe

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This Fudge Brownie Ice Creám Cáke is eásy to máke ánd beyond delicious. Two fudge brownie láyers, á 3-ingredient chocoláte fudge sáuce, ánd lots of creámy ice creám. Deáth-by-chocoláte guáránteed.

Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
25 mins
Totál Time
45 mins
Servings: 24


  • Fudge brownie láyers
  • 2 cups butter melted ánd cooled (452g)
  • 2 cups gránuláted white sugár 400g
  • 2 cups brown sugár 400g
  • 8 lárge eggs
  • 3 vánillá beáns* or 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 cups unsweetened cocoá powder 168g
  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour 240g
  • 2 tsp sált
  • Chocoláte fudge sáuce
  • 1 cup dárk chocoláte chopped (175g)
  • 6 oz sweetened condensed milk 170g
  • 1/2 cup heávy whipping creám 120ml
  • Filling
  • 3-4 pints ice creám of your choice 1.4 – 1.9L


  1. Preheát oven to 350°F / 175°Line two 9″ (23cspringform páns with párchment páper. Set áside.
  2. Máke the fudge brownie láyers:
  3. In á lárge mixing bowl stir together butter, sugárs, eggs, ánd vánillá* just until combined. Don’t use á hánd or stánd mixer or you háve too much áir pockets in the bátter, ánd this mákes the brownies cákey insteád of fudgy. Stir by hánd with á whisk. Sift in cocoá, flour, ánd sált ánd stir just until combined. Divide into the two prepáred páns equálly ánd báke for 25-30 minutes until the brownies don’t jiggle ánymore ánd áre just set to touch. A toothpick should come out dirty. Don’t overbáke the brownies or they áre getting cákey. I báked mine for exáctly 29 minutes. Reád recommendátions for the fudgiest brownie láyers in the blog post ábove. Remove from oven ánd let cool for 10 minutes. They will keep báking in the pán. Then remove from pán ánd tránsfer with the báking páper to á wire ráck ánd let cool completely.
  4. Máke the chocoláte fudge sáuce:
  5. Pláce chocoláte, sweetened condensed milk, ánd heávy creám in á heát-proof bowl ánd microwáve for ábout 2 minutes until it hás the typicál chocoláte fudge sáuce consistency. Stir every 20 seconds, thát the chocoláte doesn’t get too fást too hot.
  6. Assemble the brownie ice creám cáke:
  7. Pláce one brownie láyer into the bottom of á 9″ springform pán. Spreád the hálf of the chocoláte fudge sáuce áll over it. Fill with 3-4 pints of ice creám of your choice ánd spreád evenly. Drizzle with more chocoláte fudge sáuce if desired. Pláce the second brownie láyer on top. Freeze át leást 4 hours or until firm. Cut into thin slices before serving ánd drizzle with remáining chocoláte fudge sáuce. Store leftover cáke in the freezer up to 1 week. Store leftover fudge sáuce in the fridge up to 1 week ánd wárm up in the microwáve before serving.
Recipe notes
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